Hills and Valleys Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Second Coming of Christ

Matthew 25:13. How do we prepare for the second coming?

Titus 2:13. Why does the Bible call Jesus’ second coming the blessed hope?

John 14:1-3. How does this make you feel?

Acts 1:9-11. How will Jesus return?

Matthew 24:14. What can we do to hasten the coming of Christ?

Revelation 1:7. What picture does this paint of the second coming?

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. How does this describe the second coming?

1 Corinthians 15:51-54. How will we be changed?

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6. What do we know about the second coming that will keep it from being a total surprise?

We know from these verses very important information about Jesus second coming

This is how the Bible describes the coming of Christ in very clear and easy to understand verses. Test every theory that you hear, read or see with the plain unvarnished word of God.

The GROW Bible study meets on Zoom Thursday at 7 pm. PST. We invite you to join us as we learn about God's amazing love for us and His plan for your future.

Let us know how we can pray for you or request a visit.